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Scarlet Hope exists to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ with women in the adult entertainment industry.  Jesus commands His people to GO.  The gospel meets us right where we are, and in the same way, we are to go to those who don’t know Him and meet them right where they are.  While the Church has been quite faithful in the past few decades to go to some of these marginalized groups, such as the homeless, inner city, and prisons, there are still unreached people even here in our own country.  Even in our own backyard!  We believe one of these groups is the adult entertainment industry.

While some of the women we work with need help with even the most basic needs, the thing that all of the women need is love, community, and friendship, something that some of them have never truly experienced.  If possible and appropriate, we assist them with their necessities and connect them to resources all across the city.  And what we offer every woman we serve is relationship.

As God’s ambassadors, we at Scarlet Hope get the unbelievable honor and privilege to tell others that this life here on earth is NOT the end of the story.  How exciting to get to tell others that Jesus loves them, and because of that love we are there to love them and serve them in any way we can.  In a world where the people we serve predominately feel only judgment and disregard from the Church, we get to tell these women that only God has authority to judge and condemn, and instead of condemning us, He poured out His wrath on His own Son, so that now we can have a relationship with Him forever!