After serving with Scarlet Hope in Louisville for over a year, Jarré Poh launched Scarlet Hope Reno in 2013. In 2023, Halie Meiners became the Executive Director. Today, we have the privilege of bringing a tray of hors d’oeuvres and a Bible verse card to an average of 120 women every week to Reno’s strip clubs. Our consistency in places where 70% of trafficking occurs establishes us as safe people these women can trust. Many of them come from Dallas, Sacramento, San Francisco, and other cities, so our influence extends beyond Reno, Nevada. In 2020, we started serving our women through the access of our Resource Center, and in 2022, we launched our Hope for Her program where we hope to see continual growth and the floodgates opened up with women who are seeking self-led empowerment and a desire to grow in the Lord.
Nevada has the largest commercial sex industry per capita in America.
Sharing the hope & love of Jesus with exploited & trafficked women in Reno…
Our Efforts
Our small team is making an impact, one woman at a time through the following efforts.
Get Involved
We cannot do any of this without our incredible team of volunteers. Read more about how you can serve and sign up for our next Volunteer Orientation.
Strip Club Outreach
Every Thursday night, our outreach team goes into strip clubs in Reno, bringing a tray of finger foods and a Bible verse card and seeking to start conversations and build relationships in which we can share the truth in love. We are unapologetically about Jesus, as we know He is the only hope for healing, restoration, and salvation. We want the women working in every illegal massage parlor, in every area brothel, and on every local street to hear the gospel of Christ and be transformed by it.
We are praying that God will send more volunteers into this harvest. If you are interested in learning more about joining our outreach team, please email vo************@sc*********.org.
Text Outreach
Text Outreach is our newest initiative in Reno. Using technology that pulls phone numbers from sex-for-sale ads online, we are able to reach hundreds of potential victims of exploitation online with a message of hope. We are building a team of Digital Missionaries who will engage victims via text message and connect them to resources as needed.
Volunteer Opportunities
The first step to becoming a volunteer is to attend an upcoming Volunteer Orientation. At Orientation, we’ll provide an overview of our ministry and ways to serve, and from there, you can apply to become a volunteer. Below are all of the opportunities to serve within Outreach:
First, we GO to women wherever they are, and then we invite them IN to experience gospel-centered community. Here in Reno, God provided a beautiful, safe space to invite women to come to for various resources and care. Every week, we open our Resource Center and offer Bible studies, goal coaching, workshops, and connection to essential resources. Each woman’s experience is personalized based on her specific needs and self-identified goals. She has the potential to earn gas cards, bus passes, and more. All of this care centers around the hope that is found in Jesus and empowers her to begin a life outside of the industry.
Join our email list to stay updated on ways to serve within this aspect of our ministry!
The third pillar of our model is Discipleship, and this will look different for every woman we serve. Some women may come to know Christ the first time we meet them, others may take years to trust us and be open to the gospel. As women from the adult entertainment industry come to salvation in Christ, we invite them to participate in weekly bible studies, connect them to a local church, and continue holistic, client-led case management. Our goal as we disciple women is to give them the opportunity to experience the life-changing love and grace of Jesus, increase their emotional, physical, educational, spiritual, and financial stability, and gain the life and job skills training necessary to function and retain meaningful employment.
God does miraculous things through prayer, so we invite you to make it a habit to pray for the women we serve; so that they would put their hope in Christ and be set free from the darkness that surrounds them.
For Churches
At Scarlet Hope, we believe the Church is the answer because Jesus is the answer. Our ministry is merely a bridge to mobilize the Church to go to exploited women wherever they are and connect them back to the Local Church to receive ongoing care and discipleship. Some churches feel at a loss on how to best respond to the crisis of exploitation and trafficking, so that’s why we developed an online course to equip churches to reach, serve, and share the hope and love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry.
Join us in reaching Reno's
adult entertainment industry
We are growing a team of volunteers who are called by God to love and care for women in the adult entertainment industry.
Your donations enable our programs to share the hope and love of Jesus with more women and empower them to live a new life in Christ.
Join our email list to receive local updates and stories of impact, or get in touch with our team today at in*******@sc*********.org.
Meet Our Reno City Director
Halie Meiners
Halie grew up in Reno/Sparks and has been married to her husband, Eric, for five years. They have a 2.5-year-old son named Emmett, who is their main hobby! Halie graduated from Grand Canyon University in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in business management. She is passionate about leading worship and believes that she is called to go into the dark places to share the Light and love of the only One who is able to redeem, restore, and rescue. Halie started working with youth who were commercially sexually exploited back in 2019. She knew these types of issues were in her city for about 10 years and was finally given the opportunity to do something about it. During that time, she realized this was her calling–to advocate and love those who have been given no other choice, who are ignored by society, and who have experienced what is modern-day slavery. God is the one who led Halie to Scarlet Hope, and she couldn’t be more honored and excited to be a part of this Jesus movement that has already taken place. She can’t wait to do her part for the glory of God alone, for no one else is like the Lord, and no one else can save us! (Exodus 15:11)
Get in touch with Halie at in*******@sc*********.org.