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Most people want to do some good in this world while they are here. I heard about Scarlet Hope and the great ministry work they were doing and it sounded like something I wanted to be a part of. I thought, “Now THIS is something I could get on board with—sharing the hope and love of Jesus with those who otherwise may never hear the gospel of Jesus Christ—absolutely!” I was ready to jump in and change lives and change the world!

The ironic part about all of this is that the life most impacted and changed over the past year has been mine. Most who volunteer with Scarlet Hope will likely say the same thing about their own experience here. God has shown me that it has very little do with me and much to do with Him. The sobering part about serving in this ministry is that we are merely His vessels used for His glory.

I had big plans to change lives but truly God has shown me how much I need His grace and how sinful I am and how truly in need of a savior I am.

I am so thankful to the Lord that though I am just as in need of a savior as anyone else, especially the women we serve, God chose me! It is an honor to be used in this way to serve women across our city who need Jesus. I pray that over the next year the Lord will reveal who He wants us to share the gospel with and that I will be obedient to that command.

-Written by Amanda, Director of Operations for Scarlet Hope since 2014