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I get asked that from time to time and it makes me ponder.

Success refers to a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.

Our culture is obsessed with success and the popularity of our organizations, our stories, ourselves.

Jesus, though, says that the “last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:16)

This isn’t exactly the picture of success that we hear about in our culture.

So in light of Jesus’ words, when I’m asked “what is your success rate?” my answer has simply become, “That ONE.”

That ONE who we run after when she is lost and wandering aimlessly looking for Light, that ONE who is being held captive by the Enemy, that ONE who says she longs for a different life, that ONE whose child just died at three months of age, that ONE who overdoses on her couch, completely alone.

Our success isn’t driven by being first in our field or having the highest numbers.  It’s about that ONE woman that God puts in front of us to care for and love with the love of Christ.

Our mission is that the Kingdom of God advances and we are a people of God who are obedient, sacrificing for the Kingdom and laying our own agendas at the foot of the cross and saying YES to all that Jesus asks us to do.

Any “success” that we may have on this earth is all due to the amazing Grace of our Lord Jesus who loved us so much, each one of us, that he gave his life for our sins so that we can have a personal relationship with him.

Jesus didn’t come to die for my success, let’s not confuse success with sin.
