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Sometimes one piece of news changes your whole world. “It’s terminal.” “She said yes.” “The baby will live.” Whether it’s good or bad, certain news changes your whole life.

It happened to Crystal, which meant in a way it happened to her daughter Asia too. Asia shared that not even their extended family had been “religious.” Despite that (or could it be because of that?), the Gospel — the good news of our Savior Jesus — transformed Crystal.

Before the Gospel’s reconstruction, Asia was afraid — afraid for their safety — even though her Mom had tried to insulate them from her business. Break-ins and other violence had happened. Everyone knew they had lots of money back then; Crystal had stripped and pimped and dealt drugs.

It was in this weakness, in this sin, in this struggle that God demonstrated His strength. Seeds were planted by Christ followers who showed up in Crystal’s life. Each met her in the unloveliness just as Christ has demonstrated and we are called to do.

Then entered the Gospel.

Asia sees a completely different Mom now. Not perfect — none of us are — but noticeably, measurably, remarkably transformed. Asia knows that her Mom still struggles with “thorns in her side” just as did the Apostle Paul, but that’s how Asia knows that there’s something unusual about why her Mom is changed. (2 Corinthians 8-10)

Although Asia is not completely sure herself what the grace of God is all about, she seeks and questions and studies because in her Mom’s weakness she has witnessed God’s strength. Asia recognizes that God’s grace must be experienced to be fully understood. Grace is like trying to explain chocolate ice cream to someone who has never had ice cream or chocolate or any dessert before. It must be experienced. It can’t be fully explained. Something gets lost in translation.

But the power of the Gospel to irrevocably alter is evident. Asia has witnessed the change: her Mom before the Gospel is not the same as her Mom after the Gospel — Thanks to God!