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It’s Thursday, 11:18 p.m. which means that my wife is at one of the 30+ strip clubs operating in the Louisville area. What she does is amazing and terrifying for a husband and what keeps my prayers flowing tonight. My wife will enter a strip club this evening and serve food to the women working there and then she’ll talk to them about Jesus, the ones that want to listen. She won’t be condescending or mean, like so many evangelists are today. No, she’ll simply tell these women that God loves them, gives them worth and meaning and purpose. She will speak to these women – many of whom never knew an earthly father and the ones that stuck around were wretched men – of a Father who will never abandon them or abuse them. A Father who will love them unconditionally, without fail, forever. Some girls will say, “With my past, He can’t love me.” My wife will respond with a smile, “Of course He can. He is love and He created you to be loved by Him and to love Him in return.” She will pray with them if they allow her to and then she will offer the hope that only Jesus can provide.

My wife is one of many women who sacrifice their time, money and comfort zones to reach sex workers each week. Scarlet Hope’s purpose is so simple and yet so profound – to share the love of Jesus with strippers and prostitutes. My wife believes that if Jesus were walking the earth today, we would find him in the dark places, preaching the gospel, forgiving sins, and saving souls. That is why she does it. Not for me, not for her peers, not even for the girls being helped (though she loves them dearly). She does it because Jesus calls her to do it. And that is why I love my wife. And that’s also why I will be on my knees tonight praying these simple words: “Lord, help my wife to preach the gospel to those who do not know you.”

Are these situations potentially dangerous for the outreach team? Yes. But what is more dangerous than any physical harm that may come to my wife is the spiritual harm that will come to the women and men in the sex industry who do not know about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Men, the Lord calls us be spiritual leaders in our homes. Sometimes as leaders we must take a step back and provide support and encouragement to the women in our lives that are living out the Lord’s call to action. Are you doing everything in your power to facilitate the preaching of the gospel to sinners?

A familiar passage always comes to the forefront of my thoughts on those anxious nights. Luke 5:31-32:

“It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”