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Before the foundation of the world, I called you. Ephesians 1:4

Do you believe God is in the small things? Do you believe God is in the trivial or in the inconsequential moments of our day? Do you really think God would be involved in the smallest of details of our lives?

I’m always amazed at how God works. I guess I shouldn’t be.. I mean, he’s God. But yet, sometimes.. the chill bumps go up my arm or my mouth drops wide open at the lengths he will go to call his children to him. He knows us so well and He is so intimate and loving with us to know exactly what we need.

Earlier that day, our food team baked. I am not exactly sure how someone ended up making lemon bars when everyone else made sugar cookies. Perhaps they were short a dessert and made it at the last minute.
Perhaps there was a break down in communication and someone didn’t get the memo. Perhaps it was just a mistake and this dessert wasn’t supposed to go to Scarlet Hope. I really have no idea why we had one tray of lemon bars. But it ended up in the kitchen. And after that, someone worked to designate which items went to each club. I’m not sure how they decided who would get what – only that trays were divided up and the lemon bars were going to Club 7. These things are trivial, right?

As we walked into the club, we “just happened” to have the only container of lemon bars. Then we “just happened” to hand the dessert to the first dancer we saw sitting at the bar. She asked what it was and we told her it was lemon bars. She said in amazement, today is my birthday and lemon bars are my favorite. We said, well this is just how much God loves you -he sent you lemon bars. She began to talk of God and going to church. It was then she said, I don’t w didn’t ant to be here – I am just here to get enough money to get tags for my car so that I can get a real job. I asked her again if she was sure she want to be here. She began to confess that she knew God didn’t want her here and she began to cry. We told her if she was serious about leaving we could help her with resources to get out of this life. She said that’s exactly what she wanted to do. She quit and we took her home. She told us, “When you walked in the door – you looked like angels. I believe God sent you here just for me.”

Thank you God for being involved in every detail. Thank you that you loved this dancer so much that you sent lemon bars so that we could share hope.

Please continue to pray for her as she begins a new life.