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Journal Entry: Â January 6th 2011

Written by Laura H.
On the way to Club 10, a new teammate and I were talking over her excitement and nervousness about going into a club for the first time. She mentioned what a lot of us feel – fears that we’ll let God down, that we won’t be effective. I told her that the first night, she should feel satisfied just getting a “feel” for what it’s all about.
Because this is a totally foreign reality for most of us, and to get acquainted, it takes some time. Besides that, when we say “yes” to God, we may only have a vague idea what we’re saying yes to! Even if we have lots of head knowledge and heart passion for the ministry, the actual work looks a little different in each team member’s life. And even if we know our strengths and weaknesses, gifts and interests, the Lord seems to delight in proving that He can do in and through us what we least expect!
Over the last couple weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I’ve been created. In ministry, as in life, it’s easy to compare ourselves to other believers and be confused, critical, or jealous of how God is using them. But as I look around a strip club at the beautiful variety of dancers – women of all shapes and sizes, personalities and stories – I can’t help but remember looking around the meeting room at the beautiful variety of my teammates – women of all shapes and sizes, personalities and stories – and marvel at how awesome God is to craft each of us so perfectly for His purposes.
This is such a source of comfort and peace for us! If we are walking with Him, obeying one step at a time, we should rest in the knowledge that HE is the One paving our path. We don’t need to worry about where we’re not. And if we are learning and growing, we should rest in the knowledge that HE is the One in charge of shaping us into the masterpiece He had in mind before we were born. We don’t need to worry about who we’re not.
Can we learn important lessons and be challenged to grow outside our box by hearing about His work in our brothers and sisters lives? YES! Is the same Spirit working the same Love, Hope, and Truth in and through us? YES! Does He want each of us to think and look and act exactly the same? NO! We are all distinctive, integral, intricately woven strands of His exquisite work of art. We will keep allowing the Lord to use us in the unique way He intended. Our differences should not divide us, but drive us to graciously celebrate each other and praise God all the more! May we submit to His expert hand moment by moment so that He can receive magnified glory!