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Before now, my life was consumed by a darkness I could not find my way out of. I stumbled, frantically searching for a way out. I was on an endless rollercoaster of emotions, always unsteady, never at peace. I needed a way out! Who would show me the way out?

At that time, nobody could. I was working and going to school and in an unhealthy relationship. Dancing in the clubs helped pay my bills, and soon I had even more to pay: I was pregnant. Life was getting more and more complicated and my relationship was going from bad to worse. But I needed to be loved, so I married him anyway, hoping somehow that marriage would fix us and make things better. It didn’t.

My marriage was a wreck, my car was wrecked, and I had to get wrecked to make it through each shift at the club. One night, I mixed pills with alcohol and was so out of it that I barely remember talking with some church ladies before getting thrown in jail for Driving Under the Influence on my way home.

I was desperate. But in my purse was a card with the phone number of that nice church lady I met. I called her and she agreed to meet me for lunch. Jenny was so nice. I had no idea why she would hang out with a strange stripper like me, but I felt loved!

Even though my soul was starved for love, I probably would have never talked to her again had I not found myself at another point of desperation. This time I was in the hospital recovering from a concussion my husband gave me. Homeless, dazed, and hurting, the only person I could call was Jenny. I was so embarrassed and figured she’d probably change her mind about wanting to be my friend, but I had no other options, so I called.

Jenny made me feel safe. She picked me up and drove me to her house, let me stay the night and sleep in, then let me stay with her while she worked the next day. I was invited to come to a Scarlet Hope bible study and agreed to come as long as she would take me to work afterwards. So I went!

It felt weird to go to a bible study with a church lady, but Jenny wasn’t what I always thought of when I pictured church people. She was my age, and wasn’t so churchy that she couldn’t be friends with me. In fact, it was so easy to talk to her that I began to feel like Jenny was the sister I never had. And actually the bible study was pretty great!

Afterwards, we were talking about what I was gonna do about a place to stay when Rachelle came over and asked me why I wanted to go to work after the study. Truthfully, the idea of a shelter terrified me so much that I was willing to dance just so I could pay for a room. But before I was able to get to that, she told me that someone donated enough money for me to stay at a hotel that night! Then Chris spoke up and offered to let me stay the next night at her house. Wow! I was blown away!

Jenny took me to my hotel, prayed with me, and blessed the room. After she left, I felt an amazing presence and protection, fell asleep with ease, and had the best night of sleep I had had in a long, long time. The next morning, I awoke with a sense of anticipation and nervousness. I felt a change coming…

During my stay with Chris and Scott, they helped me accept Jesus into my life, helped me find a good job, helped me get time with my son, and are helping me grow in my new faith. God has blessed me over and over again and I find myself wanting and able to bless others as well!

Before now, my life was consumed by a darkness I could not find my way out of. I stumbled, frantically searching for a way out. I was on an endless rollercoaster of emotions, always unsteady, never at peace. I needed a way out! And God used the women of Scarlet Hope to show me the way out. I will be eternally grateful. – Nicole S.
