Our desire is to reach every single woman who is being exploited and trafficked with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe one of the best ways to do this is to prepare, support, and mobilize anyone who is called to this kind of ministry. The Scarlet Hope Community is a place where people from all across the world can come together to work towards the same goal. Through training courses, cohorts, one-on-one coaching, and so much more, we hope to create a platform where we can encourage one another, problem-solve, and find answers to the countless questions that come up in this kind of ministry.

An online collaborative community to help ministries thrive so that others can flourish
What is the Community?
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Because sometimes you just need to talk to someone who’s been there. One-on-one coaching provides the opportunity to process and problem-solve with an experienced ministry professional.
Save the Date: August 2-3, 2024
SHC Conference
For anyone who feels called to reach victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. The SHC Conference is a time to be reminded that you are not alone. We invite you to join us as we worship, learn, refocus, and collaborate together.