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So last night I was with the group who went to club one. It’s been a very long time since I was there, and didn’t really know what to expect. I wasn’t sure if i would see any of the girls that I already knew, or if it would just be all new girls.

I didn’t see anyone I knew….Again it ended up that I was having a conversation will ‘B’ all night. It seems like every time I go to club 1 he’s the one who seems to need some love. When I went to sit down there weren’t that many girls anywhere, so I thought I’d sit with ‘B’ and maybe some girls would join us later. But The club was VERY slow last night, and most of the girls stayed in the back room away from us…. ‘B’ and I talked about several things like Christmas, and what it’s really about, how he wants to start going back to church, and traveling. I still feel like God is working for the good in this man’s heart. We’ll just have to be faithful, and patient to see what God’s plan is. 😉

After we had been there for a while, there was a group of about 5 boys that came in. They didn’t look old enough to drink, even tho they kept going next door to get alcoholic drinks…. The girls seemed to love having these young boys there, and were a lot more aggressive with them….It’s so sad to me that such young boys feel the need to go and let free in such a Satan filled invironment….

Please continue to pray for all the girls, and the peole who frequent these clubs. They just all need to feel loved… 🙂
God Bless!
-V 🙂