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Scarlet Hope – Journal Entry #57 – October 15th 2009

“Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14-15

Often times I sit back and think….what am I waiting for?   People are dying and going to hell, people are starving, people are homeless…people are hurting.  These people are God’s children and it is our responsibility as his church to go and love each one of these people, to help break down the barriers that are holding them back from seeing Jesus and then letting them know who Jesus is.

I love what Francis Chan say’s in Crazy Love….”until we get our own universe we have no room to question “why God” lets things happen.   He is asking us and placing before us his children and saying, why are my children dying, starving and hurting and what are you going to do about it”

Thursday was great.  It started out with our team spending some time talking about just what we discussed above….our hearts are being changed by God’s love for his people, and to see that on a daily/weekly basis is amazing!

Club 1 report:  Reporting Valerie S.

Conversations were good at Club 1, this club has such a huge turn over in girls it’s different every week.

So not much happened last night.  As you know it was really slow, and there weren’t that many girls that came out from the back.  So, i ending up sitting with B and talking.  This is my third week in a row going to club one, and each time i always end up sitting and having a conversation with B.  I was a little sad i didn’t see either of the girls i have been talking to the other two weeks.  But maybe God needs more time to open up their hearts before we talk more… :)  So, B and I mostly talked about traveling, school, and jobs. Nothing that exciting. He did mention how he thought it wasn’t right for married guys to go to these kinds of clubs, even though he thinks it’s ok for single men….I wasn’t expecting him to believe it wasn’t ok for married men.  It was a nice chance for me to challenge him on his thinking.  I don’t know what God has planned for this man, but I look forward to seeing whatever it is! 🙂

Club 2:  Reporting Rachelle S.

V the bartender had called earlier during the day on Thursday.  She was very excited that we were coming in and wanted to ask if she could talk to me for a bit.   V started crying and telling me about her past with drugs.   She said she literally every single day can’t live without them and knows it’s killing her.  She said that when she was 14 years old her mom gave her her first drug, her choice…meth.
V is 40 and has been addicted to drugs ever since.   We talked a lot about God and I challenged her in seeing what he had for her life.   She asked if we could help her get into a rehab.   So Hannah and I have been working with her and she is hopefully going to be placed in a medical detox program this week.   She has kids and wanted to make sure they were taken care of before she went, even though we told her we would take care of them.   She has talked to us every single day and is very excited to go to rehab and get well.

V said she can see herself speaking to groups of people about God and helping girls in this industry.  Her heart is to have a home for women in the sex industry to be able to get healing from their pasts and find God.    It was so awesome because V called back about two hours before we went to the club and asked what she should read her bible.   I took a minute to think about it and she said what’s that girls name in the bible….. and at the same time we both said “Esther” …that was the book that God wanted her to dive into ..to show her that from nothing ..there are possibilities with only HIM…where she has the opportunity to change the world.    I believe wholeheartedly God has an amazing plan for V.   Please pray for her as we help her through rehab!

K is a young girl that a couple of us went to dinner with on Tuesday night.  It was great to get to know her and Hannah got to spend quite a bit of time talking with her in the club.  We have helped K put in several applications for a new job, as she is sooo desperate to get out of this industry.   Just to look in her eyes Thursday night broke our hearts.   She was on the verge of tears just being in that place.    Please pray that God will provide an opening at one of the places she has applied.

J the bouncer/DJ from the club came to us this week and told us he is about to be evicted from his apartment.  J has gotten a few months behind on his rent and needs help.   We have been talking with J a lot about his life and challenging him to consider going back into the army.   Which he says he would love to do.     Please pray for J and us as we try to find the best way to help him.

God is moving in this ministry and doing some amazing things!

Please keep praying that he will continue to reveal his plan to us as we help these beautiful people one by one.

Serving Him,
Rachelle Starr & the Scarlet Hope Team