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In 2007, when our ministry was founded, Louisville had the
5th largest adult entertainment industry per capita in America.


Adult entertainment industry establishments in Louisville


Potential victims of exploitation and trafficking identified online


Kentucky's ranking for its number of active human trafficking cases per capita in America.


Sharing the hope & love of Jesus with exploited & trafficked women in Louisville…

In 2007, our founder, Rachelle Starr, was called by the Lord to go to women in the adult entertainment industry of Louisville, KY, and share the hope and love of Jesus. She and a friend began driving around the city and praying for the Lord to open doors to serve the women in strip clubs. A year later, God opened the doors for Rachelle and three friends to begin serving a home-cooked meal in one of the strip clubs, and they began building relationships with the women working there.

Throughout the years, God has continued to grow the ministry, opening doors and providing a vision for the future. We have developed various programs over time that have allowed us to offer Bible studies, counseling, case management, and life skills training. As women come to know the Lord through the work of Scarlet Hope Louisville, we are able to connect them to resources and build a gospel-centered, loving community.

As our founding site, our model of ministry and programs are developed in Louisville and then replicated in other cities across our Network. We praise God for the opportunities He has given us to extend our impact beyond Louisville!

Our Efforts

With the help of our volunteers, our small team is making an impact, one woman at a time, through the following efforts.

Get Involved

We cannot do any of this without our incredible team of volunteers. Read more about how you can serve and sign up for our next Volunteer Orientation.


Strip Club + Massage Parlor Outreach

Every Thursday, we bring a home-cooked meal into local strip clubs and illegal massage parlors to build relationships and share the gospel with the people we encounter. It takes a village to carry out this weekly Outreach! Our Outreach Team goes into the clubs, our Prayer Team stays behind to pray during Outreach, and we have a team of volunteers who provide the meals & gifts we take into the clubs. If God is calling you, we would love to talk to you more about how you could serve.

Text Outreach

Project 502 is our initiative to reach all 12,000 women exploited online in Louisville through Text Outreach. Using technology that pulls phone numbers from sex-for-sale ads online, we are able to reach hundreds of potential victims of exploitation online with a message of hope. We are building a team of Digital Missionaries who will engage victims via text message and connect them to resources as needed.

Learn about all Outreach volunteer opportunities and sign up for our next Volunteer Orientation here.


First, we GO to women wherever they are. Then we invite them IN to experience gospel-centered community. Here in Louisville, God provided a beautiful, safe space to invite women to come to for various resources and care. Our resource center is open Monday-Friday 9 am – 4 pm for walk-ins, and we offer specific classes and resources every Tuesday from 1- 3 pm.

Hope for Her

Every Tuesday, we open our Resource Center for a program called Hope for Her. This program is designed to offer a safe, non-judgmental place to be a part of a community of women with shared experiences. We offer counseling, bible study, case management, mentoring, and classes that equip her to grow deeper in Christ and begin a life outside of the industry.

Learn about Hope for Her volunteer opportunities and sign up for our next Volunteer Orientation here.

Partner with us

If you are a business owner or are employed by an organization that is open to offering entry-level internships for women to practice essential job skills, please contact us to see how we can partner!

If you are a professional counselor and desire to be part of the stabilization and healing process, get in touch with our team today!


The third pillar of our model is Discipleship, and this will look different for every woman we serve. Some women may come to know Christ the first time we meet them, and others may take years to trust us and be open to the gospel. As women from the adult entertainment industry come to salvation in Christ, we invite them to participate in weekly bible studies, connect them to a local church, and continue holistic, client-led case management. Our goal as we disciple women is to give them the opportunity to experience the life-changing love and grace of Jesus, increase their emotional, physical, educational, spiritual, and financial stability, and gain the life and job skills training necessary to function and retain meaningful employment.

For Churches

At Scarlet Hope, we believe the Church is the answer because Jesus is the answer. Our ministry is merely a bridge to mobilize the Church to go to exploited women wherever they are and connect them back to the Local Church to receive ongoing care and discipleship. Some churches feel at a loss on how to best respond to the crisis of exploitation and trafficking, so that’s why we developed an online course to equip churches to reach, serve, and share the hope and love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry.

Join us in reaching Louisville's
adult entertainment industry


We are growing a team of volunteers who are called by God to love and care for women in the adult entertainment industry.


Your donations enable our programs to share the hope and love of Jesus with more women and empower them to live a new life in Christ.


Join our email list or Facebook Group to receive local updates and stories of impact, or get in touch with our team today at in*************@sc*********.org.

Give hope to exploited
& trafficked women in Louisville

Your donation will be designated to furthering our mission in Louisville, KY
Donate to Louisville