We believe the cure to hopelessness is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For women who feel trapped in lifestyles of exploitation, they need to know there is another way. Bringing gospel hope to the adult entertainment industry requires consistently showing up and faithfully loving the women we serve throughout their journey to restoration.

Join our community of monthly givers to share hope + bring love to women in the adult entertainment industry across the U.S.
Scarlet’s Circle is changing lives
Consistent, faithful givers like you make this possible.
Scarlet’s Circle is a community of monthly givers on a mission to share the hope and love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry. Your monthly donation gives hope to exploited & trafficked women around the U.S. and helps them live out their God-given potential.

Membership Benefits
We know you’re not in it for the perks, but as a member of Scarlet’s Circle, you’ll receive:
Insider News
We'll send you a monthly email report to share the impact you're having!
Special Offers
You'll receive special offers for merchandise in our online store.
Circle Events
You'll be invited to exclusive events to connect with our team and others on mission with you.
BIG Impact
Best of all, you'll have that good feeling knowing that you are making a difference!