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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone; behold the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

At Scarlet Hope, we recognize that every human has an innate desire to be known and loved, and to live with purpose and fulfillment. Sadly, the effects of sin leave many women hopeless that these desires can ever come true. While full life is offered by Jesus, the enemy portrays the industry as the solution to these God given desires. Life in the industry often leads to women believing that true, self sacrificing love is something they could never receive from another human or from God. 

Statistics show that 89 % of women in the industry say they want a way out but believe they have no other means for survival. Women don’t know there is another option. 

Each week, Scarlet Hope reaches out to women with a different message – that we are all created in God’s image, deeply loved by Him, and endowed with value, skills and purpose. In the Gospel, we have an option. In the Gospel, we have hope.  

We believe the Gospel has the power to transform lives. Every encounter with a woman is an opportunity to offer this life-changing hope. In Gospel hope, not only is salvation found, but a restored view of purpose, community, and vocation. 

In the US, an estimated 2 million women face exploitation. Through every meal served, gift given, or message sent, Scarlet Hope encounters an individual woman, sharing this life transforming hope. 

Project517 is our commitment to ensure every woman in the sex industry encounters someone with Gospel Hope. It’s about reaching one woman at a time, sharing hope and offering a pathway to transformation. 

Whether bringing a home cooked meal, giving a rose or sending a text, we have found that is costs an average of $14 to have an encounter with a women.

This is where you can make a difference.  With your gift of $14, you can provide hope to a woman and show her there is another option. 


Hope Shared
Life Transformed