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by L.B.

She wore a red, thin satin dress
Middle of winter, what a mess
No shoes on her feet
No money to her name
Nothing to eat
Colored scarlet with shame.

Who blinks if she lives? Who cries when she's gone?
So easily misplaced like a forgotten song
Her tears fall silent
On hard rocky places
They only see dirt
And all her disgraces.

Like a battered rose with the petals torn
So frail and frozen, bent down and worn
She blinks the snow off
Stumbles and falls
Wanders the streets
Leans against walls.

Her hand stretches out, reaching for life
Wanting a chance, wanting what's right
'I've gotten so lost,
Dear Lord', she cries
'So distant from you
And so near to the lies'.

She feels her hand taken, He helps her to rise
With tears of compassion filling His eyes
'My daughter, my girl
I've never left you.'
His words prick her heart
And let light shine through.

'I've seen every stumble
Heard you cry from above
Come home, come back
You've been missed, you are loved.'

Her eyes close in peace, then she blinks…He is gone
Not forgotten, and there with her all along
A stranger sees her then, and asks,
'Ma'am, are you alright?'
And reaches out a caring hand
In the snowy morning light.
