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Club of the Week!

Club 2 Update

What a great night to be at the club! Tonight we spent an hour and a
half with the girls! We got a chance to talk to many of the girls and
just hang out for the night. We had the chance to talk to dancer M
who was very talkative. She discussed with us that she has court this
week and she might get evicted. She was hoping to to make enough money
that night to help pay for her rent. We met Dancer E tonight, who has
a very sweet spirit, this is M's niece, and she was very excited to
see us as she had heard about us from M. E talked to us about M having
back surgery, doesn't know when the surgery is though. She has only
talked to M on the phone but hasn't seen her. Pray for M's surgery and
that she will connect with family and friends for the support. E is
going to school for Pharmacy Tech and said she is hoping to find a job
at a Pharmacy. Dancer J, filled out a prayer request card for us
tonight, when she handed it back to me she seemed for sad. She almost
had a look of loneliness. She filled out 3 cards… she seems to be
reaching out. She asked that we pray for her family and friends and
anything they are going through. She asked specifically that we pray
for her friend S, her mother, and her siblings. She asked for prayer
to following her dreams and goals. To find a better job, she would
love to be a dental assistant. Pray that she can make it through
anything, not let things get her down or stress her out. She had a
rough night it seemed. Towards the end of the night she lost her purse
and was upset that someone stole it. I pray that God will give us the
opportunity to reach out to her more and connect with her to show her
that she is loved. I pray that the wall is broken and that she will
see that she isn't alone.

I am excited for this coming week! At Club 2 we get the opportunity to
serve these women in a new way. We are giving them a spa night. We get
to help fix their hair, makeup, paint their nails and sit at their
feet to give them massages. I think this is a new bonding experience
with these women. I can't wait to see the response! These girls were
so excited and shocked that we would massage their feet. Pray for this
evening that these new ways of service will break down walls, stir
conversation, they will feel a new way of being loved and most
importantly feel worthy of Love.

Blessed to serve a forgiving and loving God. Blessed to love these
women weekly. Blessed that I get to be apart of His ministry and see
Him change lives. Simply Blessed.

Jessica Longest
